Product name : OPBR Android1
– Android
– Guarantee 4600+ Rainbow Diamonds
-1 random 5star char
-Swimsuit Big mom
-Swimsuit Nami or Swimsuit Boa
– Guarantee 4700+ 4* Crystal Fragments
Product name : OPBR IOS1
– Guarantee 5100+ Rainbow Diamonds
– 5star Kaido, Ace&Yamato, Swimsuit Big mom, 60+Random 4star chars
– Guarantee 1700+ 4* Crystal Fragments
Account information
1. Account status- Unlinked
2. Shipping method- Data sync code and password
(Disposable code. After log in, Link it to your account first)
3. Story progression- Tutorial cleared
4. Payment history- None
5. OS- IOS or Android